A 52-Week Photo Journey

… Mary Nell Moore's Photography


Week 10 – #13. Downtown In B&W

This week while downtown with a fellow photographer, we walked past Smokin Joe’s, a favorite local night spot. I have always liked the energy there so swung my camera up to my eye and captured this photo. While processing, I wondered what “downtown in B&W” would look like so I processed it using the black and white adjustment layer. The energy was portrayed just as strongly in black and white as it was in color, I thought.
Adj DSC_7291


42. Walking Downtown

I had an appointment downtown today and although it was raining, I decided to do something I seldom ever do, i.e. walk in the rain. I got my camera out of the car and started walking downtown. There were so many beautiful areas which had taken on a totally different look because of being wet by the rain. This is a scene downtown at 100 Central Avenue in Sarasota, FL.
42. Walking Downtown